There isn’t an easy answer to this one, but let me give you a few thoughts…
1. Write down a list of the things that you really like doing?
2. Write down a list of the things that you really hate doing?
No job is perfect, but as long as any job has more of list 1 and very few of list 2, it’s probably a good start.
3. How many of the things on list 1 are you really good at?
4. What things really interest you? And here, I mean that you enjoy knowing about / want to know more about?
If you are really interested in something (say it’s animals for example) and you are really good at things on list 1, then that combination is probably the place to start looking. A job that has things you enjoy doing, are good at doing and with something you are interested in.
Lastly – remember that you can ALWAYS change your mind. If you try something and it’s not for you for whatever reason, you can always look for something different. Each time you do, you will get better at creating those lists 1-4 and that will help you figure it out. Good luck!
I think you first figure out what interests you and what you are good at. How would you feel if you did some more studying in that area – would you be happy or nor? Do you like writing essays or working with numbers? Are you good at languages?
There are so many jobs out there that we just dont even know about – check out some of the profiles of the people in the I’m a scientist / mathematician sites to see that! So dont worry too much about the specifics, just start to think about bigger things like do you want to work in a office etc.
There are lots of good online places that give you ideas if you just search with some words of things you are interested in