• Question: Do you use maths every day?

    Asked by west522wasp to Victoria C, Rachel E, khalidlawal, Amy on 15 Nov 2024. This question was also asked by fact522wasp, just522wasp, gave522wasp, case522wasp, what522wasp, page522wasp.
    • Photo: Amy Mason

      Amy Mason answered on 15 Nov 2024:

      Yes! I look at graphs and distributions of numbers using mean, median, IQR etc. They help me understand what is happening in the data, so I can explain it to other people.

    • Photo: Rachel Edwards

      Rachel Edwards answered on 18 Dec 2024:

      I use maths most days, to explain what my experimental data is doing. Today I’m trying to work out why my sound waves are moving in certain directions after they reflect off something, and by using some maths I can see that it’s mostly reflecting at 65 degrees to the surface. Why, I’m not exactly sure yet – but I’ll figure it out!
