• Question: what do you learn from finding x

    Asked by back522case on 5 Feb 2025.
    • Photo: Ruth McLauchlan

      Ruth McLauchlan answered on 5 Feb 2025:

      It depends what “x” is. In my job I solve all kinds of equations. Sometimes “x” is telling me what settings I need to use on the machine to deliver the treatment that the doctor has prescribed. Sometimes “x” is telling me that there must be a problem with the machine and I need to get an engineer to look at it. Sometimes “x” is telling me that the plan produced is the best one for that patient and we should go ahead, sometimes it is the opposite. Studying maths has given me the tools to solve real-life problems for the benefit of NHS patients. All those hours spent solving for “x” did have a purpose because now “x” is more than just a number.
