Question: What inspired you to pursue your career, and who would you say is an inspiration to you in your work?
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Asked by OskabahLK on 5 Feb 2025. This question was also asked by used522feed.Question: What inspired you to pursue your career, and who would you say is an inspiration to you in your work?
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Edward commented on :
I had a good teacher in year 5 and 6 of primary school who gave me extra maths problem to do because I could do the standard work quickly and that helped develop a strong early interest.
At my secondary school, we had a lot of good teachers who were very supportive.
It was probably my PhD supervisor who was really helpful. He introduced me to industry problems and how many of them can be addressed by maths and computer science. He gave me enough opportunities to showcase my skills and learn and develop. A good mentor is so helpful, though not everyone is lucky enough to find someone who works for them.