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how does your job involve maths
How can I figure out what job I would like to do in the future?
Is there anywhere or anyone you really want to work with? (1 Comment)
Hello Paul! How do you help ensure that new medicines are safe and effective before they are given to people?
What certain qualifications do you need to thrive in your job of choice!
View all answered questions
What is the weirdest part of maths and why (1 comment)
how would you describe your relationship with maths (1 comment)
how many hours of maths do you do daily (1 comment)
Is there anywhere or anyone you really want to work with? (1 comment)
What inspired you to pursue your career, and who would you say is an inspiration to you in your work? (1 comment)
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What is the weirdest part of maths and why (1 comment)
how would you describe your relationship with maths (1 comment)
how many hours of maths do you do daily (1 comment)
Is there anywhere or anyone you really want to work with? (1 comment)
What inspired you to pursue your career, and who would you say is an inspiration to you in your work? (1 comment)