Questions with the keyword 'study'
whats the best way to do big additions
by faux522fees to Sujit B, ruthmclauchlan, Ruth A, paulterrill, Nick L, Kathryn Howells, Fiona B
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Did you go to university? would you say it is needed to be a mathematician?
by LHoban to paulterrill, Nevil, louisabuckley, Laura B, Fran
Comments: (So far, one comment )
do you still enjoy doing maths
by wych522fees and 8 others.
Comments: (so far, 2s comments )
what should i prepare for if i go into physics
by east522case and 1 other. to louisabuckley, Amy
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What is the weirdest part of maths and why (1 comment)
how would you describe your relationship with maths (1 comment)
how many hours of maths do you do daily (1 comment)
Is there anywhere or anyone you really want to work with? (1 comment)
What inspired you to pursue your career, and who would you say is an inspiration to you in your work? (1 comment)