Question: Hey lovely people I would like to know, what ignited your passion to study mathematics in further education and would you recommend it?
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Asked by best522case on 28 Jan 2025. This question was also asked by were522case.Question: Hey lovely people I would like to know, what ignited your passion to study mathematics in further education and would you recommend it?
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eloisabrook commented on :
Hello 🙂
My passion was ignited when I first did Algebra, and solving alegbraic equations. The way these equations had formulas to solve them and there was just “one right answer” made it so easy to follow and get right.
Because I found it fun, it meant I could spend many hours solving equations and doing all the problems set as homework quickly.
I would absolutely recommend it if you enjoy it, it definitely opens many opportunities to careers.
kerrygordon commented on :
This equation is what did it for me: (e to the power of i times π) + 1 = 0.
In that single equation, we have the base of the natural logarithm (e), the square root of minus 1 (i), the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter (the famous π), the plus sign (+), the multiplicative identity (1), the equals sign (=) and the additive identity (zero).
The fact that these most fundamental mathematical symbols can actually all be connected in a single, elegant equation has been cited by some as proof of the existence of God.
You bet I’d recommend it!