Questions Answered by Georgia
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My Unanswered Questions
what would you do if you could see atoms
(answered by 2) -
Is working in science fulfilling?
(answered by 3) -
How did so much life appear on our planet when others seem devoid of any species at all?
(answered by 2) -
Is the universe truly infinite
(answered by 2) -
How has this line of work impacted your view on the world and humans?
(answered by 1) -
what would happen if you took a baby to space and then left it on mars to adapt
(answered by 1) -
If you had a chance to go back and change your line of work, would you or would you stay and why?
(answered by 2) -
Does your job involve travelling?
(answered by 2) -
what’s the best part of your job
(answered by 4) -
What are the qualifications needed to be a scientist
(answered by 4)
Recent Comments
What type of jobs can you do as a mathematician (1 comment)
Did you go to university? would you say it is needed to be a mathematician? (1 comment)
Hey lovely people I would like to know, what ignited your passion to study mathematics in further education and would (2 comments)
what is the square root of negative 1 (1 comment)
whats the best maths topic (1 comment)